Even The Queen Of England Has A Website. And A Decent One Too.

by Martha Chan

The Queen on an English BanknoteAre you surprised that the Queen of England and the British Monarchy has a website? You should not be, after all they have to market the Queen and the Monarchy too.

Or did you think that they are so well known that no marketing is required? I’ll let you in on a little piece of intelligence, when there is a business, there is marketing. It’s Marketing 101. When her Majesty cannot reach everyone she wants to reach, and the people she wants to reach are not always available during her business hours, a website becomes a very necessary online marketing tool.

The Queen and the Monarchy’s Business Needs

The Monarchy (the business) and the Queen (the owner/partner of the firm) use their website to craft and deliver messages to achieve the Monarchy’s (business) objectives. My take is that their objective is to keep the Monarchy (business) alive and thriving and their strategy is to provide value to those who directly and indirectly pay them (their clients) to stay as Monarchs.

What Are Your Business Needs?

Let me see if I can draw a parallel between the basic pages that are on the Official Website of The British Monarchy and what one may see on a family law firm’s website.

– History of the Monarchy
– Her Majesty the Queen
– Royal Profiles
– Common Wealth Realm
– Royal Events and Ceremonies
– The Royal Collection
– Charities and Patronages
– FAQs
– Contact Us
A Family Law Firm’s Website
– Firm History
– About Our Partners
– Attorney Profiles
– Areas of Practice
– Family Law and Process
– Accolades and Awards
– Pro Bono Work
– FAQs
– Contact Us

The British Monarchy uses each page of their website to “reveal” some of what goes on inside the Monarchy to entice you into their story and what they do, charming you with unique and alluring pictures about the royal family, their possessions and their traditions. This way you know a bit about what they do, yet at the same time, you know you really cannot do what they do and bring the value they bring – inspiring kinship, tradition and royalty.

What Year did The Queen have her website?

In case you were wondering when the British Monarchy started their website and how it looked. My research took me to as early as December 1997.  (We launched Divorce Magazine and www.DivorceMagazine.com in the same year in March!)

Who is the Dinosaur?

Some of us would like to think that the British Monarchy and the Queen are pretty old fashion, but they figured out the need to market their messages through a website in 1997; it’s time we all figured out that we need a website, and a decent one. I can only guess that back then, the Queen needed some convincing to get a website and that she didn’t do it herself, nor did a friend or relative from the family.

If you have a business, and still do not have a website, it is time to get a website. If you have a website, but it is old and dated, it’s time you get a new website. Because your business needs a decent website done by a professional, even though you may not think you need one (a website or a website professional).

And, while you are at it, get a marketing expert who will listen to your business objectives, help you strategize what your marketing messages need to be and how to best write and design a website to deliver them.

Marketing Family LawyerMartha Chan is a marketing expert for family lawyers and divorce professionals. She is a co-owner and Vice President of Marketing for Family Lawyer MagazineDivorce Magazine and Divorce Marketing Group, a marketing agency dedicated to promoting family lawyers and divorce professionals. She is the co-host of a monthly marketing teleseminar for family lawyers and co-author of The Essential Marketing Guide for Family Lawyers. She has served as a marketing consultant to many Fortune 500 companies and countless family law firms over the past 30 years. She can be reached at 866-803-6667 x 136, or marthac@divorcemarketinggroup.com.

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